Материалы / тезисы конференций
Information Innovative Technologies: Materials of the International scientific-practical conference
Moscow, Association of graduates and employees of AFEA named after prof. Zhukovsky
Nazarov D.A. Parallel algorithm of inscribing figures into acceptability region // Information Innovative Technologies: Materials of the International scientific-practical conference. /Ed. Uvaysov S.U., Ivanov I.A. - M.: Association of graduates and employees of AFEA named after prof. Zhukovsky, 2018. Pp. 214-220.
The problem of analogous system acceptability region analysis for improving system parametric reliability is discussed. Under the term of acceptability region a bounded part of system parameter space containing points which yield proper system performance. A discrete model of acceptability region is considered. The algorithms of inscribing convex symmetrical shapes into acceptability region based on the discrete model are considered. The methods of their parallel implementation are proposed in order to reduce total computation time and optimize CPU usage.