Потоки и структуры в жидкостях: Международная конференция. Материалы конференции.
Россия. Москва: ИПМех РАН
Smirnov S.V. On numerical study of resonance oscillations in the Sea of Japan // Потоки и структуры в жидкостях: Международная конференция. 08-10 августа 2018 г., Владивосток: Материалы конференции. – М.: ИПМех РАН, 2018. – С. 200-202.
Ensuring the safety of population and engineering facilities in the coastal areas requires knowledge of wave regimes modes and resonance properties of the coastal water areas, since resonance enhancement of the sea level fluctuations under certain conditions may lead to the catastrophic increase of the oscillations amplitude. This report considers the main features of some resonance oscillations that can occur in the water area of the Sea of Japan. Spatio-temporal parameters of resonance oscillations were obtained using the numerical models.