Mathematical Modeling the Nonlinear 1D Dynamics of Elastic Heteromodular and Porous Materials


Materials Science Forum, Scopus

Статьи в журналах

Materials Science Forum

Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland

2019, Vol. 945


O. V. Dudko, V.E. Ragozina and A.A. Lapteva, Mathematical Modeling the Nonlinear 1D Dynamics of Elastic Heteromodular and Porous Materials // Materials Science Forum. 2019. Vol. 945, pp. 899-905. doi: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.945.899

Approaches to mathematical modeling of nonlinear strain dynamics in heteromodular and porous materials are discussed; the mechanical properties of media are described in terms of the simple piecewise linear elastic models. Several nonstationary 1D boundary value problems show that the singularity of model relationships gives rise to shock waves and centered Riemann waves in generalized solutions. Nonstationary load modes leading to the listed nonlinear effects are indicated separately for heteromodular and porous media.
