Developing Physical Bases for Low-Frequency Acoustic Tomography in the Arctic Shelf Using Fiberoptic Geophones


Статьи в журналах

Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences Physics

Т. 82. – №. 5


1062-8738, 1934-9432

Kulchin Y.N., Kamenev O.T., Petrov Y.S., Romashko R.V., Kolchinskiy V.A. Developing Physical Bases for Low-Frequency Acoustic Tomography in the Arctic Shelf Using Fiberoptic Geophones //Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Physics. – 2018. – Т. 82. – №. 5. – С. 487-490.

Principles of the design and operation of a fiber-optic geophone based on a Mach–Zehnder interferometer for seismic monitoring of the Arctic Shelf when there is an ice cover are considered. The proposed approach to geophone design is based on the combined application of interferometric means of measuring and the spatial localization of the fiberoptic interferometer. The results from field experiments to test geophone prototypes are presented. It is shown that the seismic receiver’s threshold sensitivity of 10⁻⁷ m s⁻² allows the recording of weak seismic signals in the area of the land–sea transition.
