Imaging Photoplethysmography in Green Light for Assessment of Cerebral Hemodynamics through an Intact Skull


Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute, Q4

Статьи в журналах

2023, Vol. 50, Suppl. 14, pp. S1511–S1516

N. P. Podolyan, I. G. Agafonova, E. Nippolainen, R. V. Romashko, S. L. Kuznetsov, I. N. Zavestovskaya, and A. A. Kamshilin. Imaging Photoplethysmography in Green Light for Assessment of Cerebral Hemodynamics through an Intact Skull // Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute, 2023, Vol. 50, Suppl. 14, pp. S1511–S1516.

This work demonstrates for the first time a possibility of assessing changes in the parameters of cortical blood flow in mice through the intact cranial bone during pharmacological tests using the method of imaging photoplethysmography with illumination in the green region of the spectrum. This makes it possible to evaluate the effect of tests on hemodynamics without prior surgical intervention on the skull bones. It has been shown that administration of the nitroglycerin can lead to both an increase in cortical blood flow and a decrease in it, which indicates the duality of the effect of this drug on meningeal vasomotor activity.


