The algorithm for estimating the probability of a successful adjustment of the output parameters at synthesis of adjusted technical devices



Publisher Penza state university

Reliability and Quality. Proceedings of International Symposium in 2 volumes: V. 1 / Ed. by N.K. Yurkov. – Penza: Publisher Penza state university, 2015


Digo G.B., Digo N.B. The algorithm for estimating the probability of a successful adjustment of the output parameters at synthesis of adjusted technical devices // Reliability and Quality. Proceedings of International Symposium in 2 volumes: V. 1 / Ed. by N.K. Yurkov. – Penza: Publisher Penza state university, 2015. P. 87-88.

Рассматривается алгоритм оценки вероятности успешной настройки выходных параметров при синтезе настраиваемых технических устройств и возможные пути сокращения затрат на основе технологии распараллеливания вычислений