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Список аспирантов (на 1 октября 2024 года)
Противодействие коррупции
Горошко Дмитрий Львович
доктор физико-математических наук
ведущий научный сотрудник
Лаборатория оптики и электрофизики (№105)
Внутр. телефон:
Материалы / тезисы конференций
Статьи в журналах
2018. Goroshko D. et al. Photoconductivity and conductivity processes in Si-Sn films grown on Si (100) substrate at room temperature //Defect and Diffusion Forum. – Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2018. – Т. 386. – С. 95-101.
2018. Galkin N. G. et al. Comparison of the structural, optical and thermoelectrical properties of Ca silicide films with variable composition on Si substrates //Defect and Diffusion Forum. – Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2018. – Т. 386. – С. 3-8.
2017. Galkin N. G. et al. Study of optical and luminescence properties of silicon—semiconducting silicide—silicon multilayer nanostructures //EPJ Web of Conferences. – EDP Sciences, 2017. – Т. 132. – С. 02006.
2017. Chusovitin E. A. et al. GaSb nanocrystals grown by solid phase epitaxy and embedded into monocrystalline silicon //Scripta Materialia. – 2017. – Т. 136. – С. 83-86.
2021. Galkin N. G. et al. Multilayer Heterostructures with Embedded CrSi2 and β-FeSi2 Nanocrystals on Si (111) Substrate: From the Formation to Photoelectric Properties //Solid State Phenomena. – Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2020. – Т. 312. – С. 45-53.
2015. Alexander Shevlyagin, Dmitry Goroshko, Evgeniy Chusovitin, Konstantin Galkin, and Nikolay Galkin. Characterization of the silicon/β-FeSi2 nanocrystallites heterostructures for the NIR photodetection at low temperature // JJAP, V.54, 07JB02 (2015)
2018. Semyon A Balagan et al 2018 J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 30 245301
2017. Shevlyagin A. V. et al. A room-temperature-operated Si LED with β-FeSi2 nanocrystals in the active layer: μ W emission power at 1.5 μ m //Journal of Applied Physics. – 2017. – Т. 121. – №. 11. – С. 113101.
2015. Т.С. Шамирзаев, Н.Г. Галкин, Е.А. Чусовитин, Д.Л. Горошко, А.В. Шевлягин, А.К. Гутаковский, А.А. Саранин, А.В. Латышев. Светодиодные 1.5 - мкм электролюминесцентные излучатели на основе структур p+-Si/НК β-FeSi2/n-Si // Физика и техника полупроводников, т. 49, вып. 4, 2015, с. 519-523.
2020. Goroshko D. et al. Dissolution suppression of self-assembled GaSb quantum dots on silicon by proper surface preparation //Semiconductor Science and Technology. – 2020. – Т. 35. – №. 10. – С. 10LT01.
2017. Субботин Е. Ю. и др. НАНОКРИСТАЛЛЫ GASB ВЫРАЩЕННЫЕ МЕТОДОМ ТВЁРДОФАЗНОЙ ЭПИТАКСИИ И ВСТРОЕННЫЕ В МОНОКРИСТАЛЛИЧЕСКИЙ КРЕМНИЙ //Современные проблемы физики и технологий. – 2017. – С. 166-167.
2015. N.G. Galkin, K.N. Galkin, I.M. Chernev, R. Faigar, T.H. Stuchlikova, J. Stuchlok, Z. Remes. Formation and properties of p-i-n diodes based on hydrogenated amorphous silicon with embedded CrSi2, Mg2Si and Ca2Si nanocrystallites for energy conversion applications // JJAP Conf. Proceed., 3 (2015) 011104(1-8).
2016. Goroshko D. L. et al. Formation of bulk and nanocrystallite layers of GaSb on silicon //Solid State Phenomena. – Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2016. – Т. 245. – С. 72-79.
2015. Non-doped and doped Mg stannide films on Si(111) substrates: Formation, optical, and electrical properties
2013. Goroshko D. et al. Enhancement of near IR sensitivity of silicon‐silicide based photodetectors //physica status solidi (c). – 2013. – Т. 10. – №. 12. – С. 1844-1846.
2016. Галкин Н. Г. и др. Кремний-силицидные диодные гетероструктуры-основа для создания кремниевой интегральной фотоники //Вестник Дальневосточного отделения Российской академии наук. – 2016. – №. 4 (188).
2015. Galkin N. G. et al. Semiconducting Mg2Sn and Mg2Ge nanolayers on Si (111) substrates: formation, structure and properties //PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY AND APPLICATIONS OF NANOSTRUCTURES: PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE NANOMEETING–2015. – 2015. – С. 128-131.
2020. Goroshko D. L. et al. Formation and thermoelectric properties of the n-and p-type silicon nanostructures with embedded GaSb nanocrystals //Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. – 2020. – Т. 59. – №. SF. – С. SFFB04.
2017. Goroshko D. L. et al. Photoluminescence spectroscopy investigation of epitaxial Si/GaSb nanocrystals/Si heterostructure //AIP Conference Proceedings. – AIP Publishing LLC, 2017. – Т. 1874. – №. 1. – С. 030015.
2010. Influence of the Si(100)-c(4x12)-Al surface phase on formation and electrical properties of thin iron films
2015. D.L. Goroshko, E.A. Chusovitin, I.M. Chernev, L. Dozsa, B. Pecz, N.G. Galkin. Formation and thermoelectric properties of stressed chromium disilicide nanocrystallites buried in the Si/CrSi2/Si(001) heterostructure // Electronic Materials Letters, V. 11, N. 3, (2015), pp. 424-428.
2017. Goroshko D. L. et al. Solid phase epitaxy formation of silicon-GaSb based heterostructures //JJAP Conference Proceedings. – The Japan Society of Applied Physics, 2016. – Т. 5.
2019. Galkin N. G. et al. Silicon p+–p−–n Diodes with Embedded β-FeSi2 and CrSi2 Nanocrystals: Morphology, Crystal Structure and Photoelectric Properties //International Journal of Nanoscience. – 2019. – Т. 18. – №. 03n04. – С. 1940084.
2019. Chusovitin E. et al. Embedding of iron silicide nanocrystals into monocrystalline silicon: suppression of emersion effect //Asia-Pacific Conference on Fundamental Problems of Opto-and Microelectronics 2017. – International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2019. – Т. 11024. – С. 1102402.
2017. Galkin N. G. et al. Prospects for silicon–silicide integrated photonics //Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. – 2017. – Т. 56. – №. 5S1. – С. 05DA01.
2012. Galkin N. G. et al. Room temperature 1.5 μ m light-emitting silicon diode with embedded β-FeSi2 nanocrystallites //Applied Physics Letters. – 2012. – Т. 101. – №. 16. – С. 163501.
2013. Chusovitin E. et al. Electroluminescence properties of p‐Si/β‐FeSi2 NCs/…/n‐Si mesa diodes with embedded multilayers of β‐FeSi2 nanocrystallites //physica status solidi (c). – 2013. – Т. 10. – №. 12. – С. 1850-1853.
2018. Goroshko D. et al. Thermoelectric properties of nanostructured material based on Si and GaSb //Defect and Diffusion Forum. – Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2018. – Т. 386. – С. 102-109.
2018. Chusovitin E. et al. Formation of a thin continuous GaSb film on Si (001) by solid phase epitaxy //nanomaterials. – 2018. – Т. 8. – №. 12. – С. 987.
2016. A. V. Shevlyagin, D. L. Goroshko, E. A. Chusovitin, N. G. Galkin. VIS-NIR-SWIR multicolor avalanche photodetector originating from quantum-confined Stark effect in Si/β-FeSi2/Si structure // V. 109, 171101 (2016)
2019. Galkin N. G. et al. Conductive CaSi2 transparent in the near infra-red range //Journal of Alloys and Compounds. – 2019. – Т. 770. – С. 710-720.
2017. Shevlyagin A. V. et al. Stress-induced indirect to direct band gap transition in β-FeSi2 nanocrystals embedded in Si //AIP Conference Proceedings. – AIP Publishing LLC, 2017. – Т. 1874. – №. 1. – С. 030007.
2015. Shevlyagin A. V. et al. Enhancement of the Si pn diode NIR photoresponse by embedding β-FeSi 2 nanocrystallites //Scientific reports. – 2015. – Т. 5. – №. 1. – С. 1-9.
2016. Goroshko D. L. et al. Extended near-IR spectral sensitivity and electroluminescence properties of silicon diode structure with GaSb/Si composite layer //Solid State Phenomena. – Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2016. – Т. 247. – С. 61-65.