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Список аспирантов (на 1 октября 2024 года)
Saranin Alexander Alexandrovich
Corresponding Member of RAS
Dr.Sc. (Phys.-Math.)
Research Deputy Director
Аппарат управления
2011. no
2015. D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.V.Matetskiy, A.Y. Tupchaya, E.N. Chukurov, C.-R. Hsing, C.-M. Wei, S.V. Eremeev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Atomic structure and electronic properties of the two-dimensional (Au,Al)/Si(111)2x2 compound. Physical Review B, 2015, Vol. 92, P.245407-7.
2015. D.A. Tsukanov, D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, M.V. Ivanchenko, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Electrical conductivity study of two-dimensional alloy layers on Si(111) reconstructed surface // Proceedings of International Conference NANOMEETING-2015 «Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures. Reviews and short notes», 26-29 May 2015, Minsk, Belarus. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2015, P. 91-94.
2011. A.V. Matetskiy, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Modulated C60 monolayers on Si(111)√3×√3-Au reconstructions. Phys.Rev. B, 2011, Vol. 83, No.19, P.195421-7.
2015. A.A. Saranin, D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, A.Yu. Tupchaya, A.V. Zotov, S.V. Eremeev, E.V. Chulkov, Jyu-Pin Chou, Cheng-Rong Hsing, Ching-Ming Wei. Tailoring of spin-split metallic surface-state bands on silicon // Proceedings of the International Conference "Spin physics, spin chemistry and spin technology" (SPCT-2015), June 1-5, 2015, St. Petersburg, Russia. St. Peterburg: Ioffe Physical-Technical Institute, 2015, P.27.
2011. D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Matetskiy, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin, J.P. Chou, C.M. Wei, Y.L. Wang. Interplay between adsorbed C60 fullerenes and point defects on Si(111)V3xV3-In reconstructed surface. Surf.Sci., 2011, Vol.605, P.2050-2054.
2017. D.A. Olyanich, V.V. Mararov, T.V. Utas, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. C70 self-assembly on In- and Tl-adsorbed Si(111)V3xV3-Au surfaces: Effect of non-spherical fullerene shape. Surface Science, 2017, V. 656 P. 1-6.
2018. A.N. Mihalyuk, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, D.V. Gruznev, J.P. Chou, C.R. Hsing, C.M. Wei, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Double-atomic layer of Tl on Si(111): Atomic arrangement and electronic properties. Surface Science, 2018, Vol. 668, P. 17-22.
2015. no
2016. A.V. Matetskiy, I.A. Kibirev, A.V. Zotov, and A.A. Saranin. Growth and characterization of van-der-Waals heterostuctures formed by the topological insulator Bi2Se3 and the trivial insulator SnSe2. Applied Physics Letters, 2016, Vol. 109, Iss. 2, P. 021606-4.
2016. N.I. Solin, L.N. Romashev, S.V. Naumov, A.A. Saranin, A.V. Zotov, D.A. Olyanich, V.G. Kotlyar, O.A. Utas. Magnetoresistive properties of nanostructured magnetic metals, manganites, and magnetic semiconductors. Technical Physics, 2016, Vol. 61, No.2, P.233-239
2015. A.A. Saranin, D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, A.Yu. Tupchaya, A.V. Zotov, S.V. Eremeev, J.-P. Chou, C.-R. Hsing, C.-M. Wei, S. Ichinokura, R. Hobara, A. Takayama, S. Hasegawa. Spin-split metallic surface states of 2D alloys and compounds on silicon // The 15th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces (ICFSI-15), November 15-20, 2015, Hiroshima, Japan. Hiroshima: Hiroshima University, 2015, P. 38.
2015. A.Y. Tupchaya, L.V. Bondarenko, A. V. Matetskiy, E.N. Chukurov, C.-R. Hsing, C.-M. Wei, S.V. Eremeev, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Al-Au 2D compound layer on Si(111) surface // The 15th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces (ICFSI-15), November 15-20, 2015, Hiroshima, Japan. Hiroshima: Hiroshima University, 2015, P. 100
2014. D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Matetskiy, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, A.A. Alekseev, S.V. Eremeev, J.P. Chou, C.M. Wei, Y.L. Wang, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Structure and electronic properties of one-atomic In layers on Si(111) // Abstracts of 1st Asia-Pacific Symposium on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-1), September 28 - October 2, 2014, Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS, FEFU, Russky Island, Vladivostok, Russia. Vladivostok: FEFU, 2014, P. J2.
2014. L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, A.Y. Tupchaya, I.A. Kibirev, A.A. Yakovlev, C.R. Hsing, C.M. Wei, S.V. Eremeev, E.V. Chulkov, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Bilayer TlSn alloy at Si(111) surface with spin splitted metallic bands // Abstracts of Young Scientists Asia Pasific School on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-1 Young Scientists School), September 28 - October 2, 2014, Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS, FEFU, Russky Island, Vladivostok, Russia. Vladivostok: FEFU, 2014, P. P-7
2015. D.A. Olyanich, V.V. Mararov, T.V. Utas, O.A. Utas, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Magic C60 island formation on Si(111)√3×√3(Au,Tl) surface // The 15th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces (ICFSI-15), November 15-20, 2015, Hiroshima, Japan. Hiroshima: Hiroshima University, 2015, P. 84
2015. N.V. Denisov, O.A. Utas, S.G. Azatyan, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Formation of bimetallic surface alloys from monometallic structures on the bulk-like Si(111)1x1 // Proceedings of Third Asian School-Conference on Physics and Technology of Nanostructured Materials (ASCO-NANOMAT 2015), Vladivostok, Russia, August 19–26, 2015. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2015, P.68-69.
2017. no
2011. M.Y. Lai, J.P. Chou, O.A. Utas, N.V. Denisov, V.G. Kotlyar, D. Gruznev, A. Matetsky, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin, C.M. Wei, Y.L. Wang. Broken even/odd symmetry in self-selection of distances between nanoclusters due to presence/absence of topological solitons. Phys.Rev.Lett., 2011, V.106, Iss.16, P.166101(4)
2016. S. Ichinokura, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin, S. Hasegawa. Superconducting properties of Tl double atomic layer on Si(111) // Abstracts of 2-nd Asia-Pacific Symposium on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-2), November 13-16, 2016, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Taipei: IAMS, Academia Sinica, 2016, P. 11.
2016. A.Y. Tupchaya, L.V. Bondarenko, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. √7×√7-AuTl compound surface structure on Si(111) // Abstracts of 2-nd Asia-Pacific Symposium on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-2), November 13-16, 2016, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Taipei: IAMS, Academia Sinica, 2016, P. 44.
2012. Galkin N. G. et al. Room temperature 1.5 μ m light-emitting silicon diode with embedded β-FeSi2 nanocrystallites //Applied Physics Letters. – 2012. – Т. 101. – №. 16. – С. 163501.
2017. V.G. Dubrovskii, Y. Berdnikov, D.A. Olyanich, V.V. Mararov, T.V. Utas, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Scaling of size distributions of C60 and C70 fullerene surface islands. Applied Surface Science, 2017, Vol. 407, P. 117-120.
2011. D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Matetskiy, L.V. Bondarenko, E.A. Borisenko, D.A. Tsukanov, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Strucrural transformations in (Au,In)/Si(111) system and their effect on surface conductivity. Surf. Sci., 2011, Vol.605, P.1420-1425.
2011. D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Matetskiy, I.V. Gvozd, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. C60 adsorption onto the one-atomic-layer In films on Si(111) surface. Surf.Sci., 2011, Vol.605, P.1951-1955.
2015. K.V. Ignatovich, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Characterization of In/Si(111) system by optical second-harmonic generation // Proceedings of Third Asian School-Conference on Physics and Technology of Nanostructured Materials (ASCO-NANOMAT 2015), Vladivostok, Russia, August 19–26, 2015. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2015, P.76-77
2017. D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, S.V. Eremeev, A.N. Mihalyuk, J.P. Chou, C.M. Wei, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. 2D Tl-Pb compounds on Ge(111) surface: atomic arrangement and electronic band structure. J.Phys.: Condens.Matter, 2017, Vol. 29, No.3, P.035001-9.
2016. 10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.247.73
2015. D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Tailoring of spin-split metallic surface-state bands on silicon. Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2015, Vol. 201, P.81-87.
2015. D.A. Olyanich, V.V. Mararov, T.V. Utas, O.A. Utas, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Influence of the surface potential relief on magic C60 islands formation // Proceedings of Third Asian School-Conference on Physics and Technology of Nanostructured Materials (ASCO-NANOMAT 2015), Vladivostok, Russia, August 19–26, 2015. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2015, P.144-145
2016. D.A. Olyanich, V.V. Mararov, T.V. Utas, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Adsorption and self-assembly of fullerenes on Si(111) √3x√3-Ag: C60 versus C70. Surface Science, 2016, Vol.653, P.138-142.
2016. A.N. Mihalyuk, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, D.V. Gruznev, C.R. Hsing, A.V. Zotov, C.M. Wei, A.A. Saranin, S. Hasegawa. Atomic structure of thallium double atomic layer on Si(111)6√3х6√3 // Abstracts of 2-nd Asia-Pacific Symposium on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-2), November 13-16, 2016, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Taipei: IAMS, Academia Sinica, 2016, P. 17.
2012. N.V. Denisov, A.A. Yakovlev, O.A. Utas, S.G. Azatyan, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin, L.N. Romashev, N.I. Solin, V.V. Ustinov. Ordered Mn-diluted Au/Si(111) reconstructions. Surf.Sci., 2012, Vol. 606, Iss.1-2, P.104-109.
2014. no
2016. A.A. Saranin, A.V. Matetskiy, I.A. Kibirev, D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, C.M. Wei, C.R. Hsing, A.N. Mihalyuk, A.V. Zotov. Atomic structure and electronic properties of the Si(111)√3×√3-(Tl, A) (A = Group IV, V, VI) compounds // Abstracts of 2-nd Asia-Pacific Symposium on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-2), November 13-16, 2016, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Taipei: IAMS, Academia Sinica, 2016, P. 7.
2014. A.V. Matetskiy, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Adsorbate-induced transformations in electronic structure of Bi(0001) surface // Abstracts of 1st Asia-Pacific Symposium on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-1), September 28 - October 2, 2014, Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS, FEFU, Russky Island, Vladivostok, Russia. Vladivostok: FEFU, 2014, P. E5.
2014. D.A. Olyanich, T.V. Utas, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Dynamics of artificial molecular in 2D array of C60 fullerenes // 7th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-7), November 2-6 2014, Matsue, Japan. Tokyo: The Surface Science Society of Japan, 2014, P. [6PN-2]
2011. S.G. Azatyan, O.A. Utas, N.V. Denisov, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Variable termination of MnSi/Si(111)√3×√3 films and its effect on surface properties. Surf.Sci., 2011, Vol. 605, Iss. 3-4, P. 289-295.
2015. no
2014. T.V. Utas, D.A. Olyanich, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Thermal motion of vacancies in the monomolecular C60 layer // Abstracts of Young Scientists Asia Pasific School on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-1 Young Scientists School), September 28 - October 2, 2014, Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS, FEFU, Russky Island, Vladivostok, Russia. Vladivostok: FEFU, 2014, P. P-8
2015. D.A. Tsukanov, M.V. Ryzhkova, E.A. Borisenko, A.V. Zotov, and A.A. Saranin. Electrical conductivity of reconstructed Si(111) surface with sodium-doped C60 layers. Applied Physics Letters, 2015, Vol. 106, P. 011603-4.
2012. V.G. Kotlyar, D.A. Olyanich, T.V. Utas, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Self-assembly of C60 fullerenes on quasi-one-dimensional Si(111)4x1-In surface. Surface Science, 2012, Vol. 606, P.1821-1824
2013. V.G. Kotlyar, B.K. Churusov, D.A. Olyanich, T.V. Utas, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Modification of the sample holder for a variable nemperature scanning tunneling microscope (Omicron). Instruments and Experimental Techniques, 2013, Vol.56, No.6, P.712–715
2017. A.V. Matetskiy, I.A. Kibirev, A.N. Mihalyuk, S.V. Eremeev, D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Theory versus experiment for a family of single-layer compounds with a similar atomic arrangement: (Tl, X)/Si(111)√3x√3 (X = Pb, Sn, Bi, Sb, Te, Se). Phys.Rev.B, 2017, Vol.96, Iss.8, P. 085409-7.
2016. no
2015. D.A. Olyanich, T.V. Utas, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Dynamics of the artificially created vacancies in the monomolecular C60 layers. Surface Science, 2015, Vol. 637-638, P. 5-10.
2014. N.V. Denisov, O.A. Utas, S.G. Azatyan, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Surface alloys of metals In and Bi on Si(111) // Abstracts of Young Scientists Asia Pasific School on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-1 Young Scientists School), September 28 - October 2, 2014, Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS, FEFU, Russky Island, Vladivostok, Russia. Vladivostok: FEFU, 2014, P. P-1.
2015. I.A. Kibirev, A.V. Matetskiy, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Exchange gap in the topological surface states in the epitaxially grown MnSe/Bi2Se3 heterostructures // Proceedings of Third Asian School-Conference on Physics and Technology of Nanostructured Materials (ASCO-NANOMAT 2015), Vladivostok, Russia, August 19–26, 2015. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2015, P.99-100
2014. A.A. Saranin, D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, A.A. Yakovlev, A.Y. Tupchaya, S.V. Eremeev, E.V. Chulkov, Jyu-Pin Chou, C.-M. Wei, M.-Y. Lai, Y.-L. Wang, A.V. Zotov. A strategy to create spin-split metallic bands on silicon using a dense alloy layer // 7th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-7), November 2-6 2014, Matsue, Japan. Tokyo: The Surface Science Society of Japan, 2014, P. [5aA1-3]
2014. E.N. Chukurov, N.V. Denisov, Yu.V. Luniakov, O.A. Utas, S.G. Azatyan, A.A. Yakovlev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Computer study of two-dimensional surface alloy Si(111)4×4-(Bi,Ag) // Abstracts of Young Scientists Asia Pasific School on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-1 Young Scientists School), September 28 - October 2, 2014, Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS, FEFU, Russky Island, Vladivostok, Russia. Vladivostok: FEFU, 2014, P. P-9
2016. A. Matetskiy, I.A. Kibirev, A.V. Z.otov, A.A. Saranin, T. Hirahara, S. Hasegawa. Dirac surface states in the heterostructures of topological and trivial magnetic/non-magnetic insulators // Abstracts of 2-nd Asia-Pacific Symposium on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-2), November 13-16, 2016, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Taipei: IAMS, Academia Sinica, 2016, P. 36.
2016. A.A. Saranin, D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, A.Y. Tupchaya, A.N. Mihalyuk, S.V. Eremeev, C.-R. Hsing, C.-M. Wei, S. Ichinokura, R. Hobara, A. Takayama, S. Hasegawa, and A. V. Zotov. STM investigation of 2D alloys and compounds on Si(111) and Ge(111) surfaces // Abstracts of The 24th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM24), December 14-16, 2016, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Tokyo: The Japan Society of Applied Physics, 2016, P. 23.
2012. M.V. Ivanchenko, V.A. Gritsenko, A.V. Nepomnyashchii, A.A.Saranin. Enhancement of the electron-stimulated desorption from amorphous aluminium oxide films on silicon during an increase in the substrate temperature. Tech.Phys., 2012, Vol. 57, No.5, P.693-696
2014. A.V. Zotov, D.A. Olyanich, T.V. Utas, O.A. Utas, V.G. Kotlyar, A.A. Saranin. Mobility of artificial vacancies within C60 monomolecular layer // Proceedings of 22nd International Symposium “Nanostructures: Physics and Technology”, June 23-27, 2014, Saint Petersburg, Russia. Saint Peterburg: St Petersburg Academic University, 2014, P.124-125
2016. A.A. Saranin, D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, A.Y. Tupchaya, A.N. Mihalyuk, A.V. Zotov, S.V. Eremeev, C.R. Hsing, C.M. Wei, S. Ichinokura, R. Hobara, A. Takayama, and S. Hasegawa. Spin-split metallic surface states of 2D alloys and compounds on silicon // Abstracts of VI Euro-Asian Symposium «Trends in Magnetism» (EASTMAG-2016), August 15–19, 2016, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. Krasnoyarsk: Kirensky Institute of Physics, SB RAS, 2016, P. 11.
2015. L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, A.Y. Tupchaya, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Electronic and atomic structure of 2D In-Tl layer on Si(111) // Proceedings of Third Asian School-Conference on Physics and Technology of Nanostructured Materials (ASCO-NANOMAT 2015), Vladivostok, Russia, August 19–26, 2015. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2015, P.72-73
2014. A.Y. Tupchaya, A.V. Matetskiy, L.V. Bondarenko, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Domain wall-based structures in Bi/Si(111)1×1-Tl system // Abstracts of Young Scientists Asia Pasific School on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-1 Young Scientists School), September 28 - October 2, 2014, Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS, FEFU, Russky Island, Vladivostok, Russia. Vladivostok: FEFU, 2014, P. P-5
2016. no
2015. T.V. Utas, O.A. Utas, D.A. Olyanich, V.V. Mararov, A.V. Matetskiy, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Molecular dynamics simulation of C60 island growth // Proceedings of International Conference NANOMEETING-2015 «Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures. Reviews and short notes», 26-29 May 2015, Minsk, Belarus. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2015, P. 31-34.
2015. A.V. Matetskiy, S. Ichinokura, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin, R. Hobara, A.Takayama, S. Hasegawa. Two-dimensional superconductor with a giant Rashba effect: One-atom-layer Tl-Pb compound on Si(111). Physical Review Letters, 2015, Vol.115, Iss.14, P. 147003(5)
2013. A.V. Matetskiy, L.V. Bondarenko, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin, J.P. Chou, C.R. Hsing, C.M. Wei, Y.L. Wang. Peculiar diffusion of C60 on In-adsorbed Si(111)√3×√3-Au surface. Surface Science, 2013, Vol. 616, P.44-50
2017. N.V. Denisov, A.A. Alekseev, O.A. Utas, S.G. Azatyan, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Bismuth–Indium–Sodium two-dimensional compounds on Si(111) surface. Surface Science, 2017, Vol. 666, P. 64-69
2013. Dmitry A Olyanich, Vasily G Kotlyar, Tatiana V Utas, Andrey V Zotov and Alexander A Saranin. The manipulation of C60 in molecular arrays with an STM tip in regimes below the decomposition threshold. Nanotechnology, 2013, Vol.24, P.055302-8
2014. A.V. Zotov, A.V. Matetskiy, L.V. Bondarenko, D.V. Gruznev, D.A. Olyanich, T.V. Utas, A.A. Saranin, J.P. Chou, C.M. Wei and Y.L. Wang. Diffusion phenomena in system with coexisting atoms and molecules: C60 fullerenes and In adatoms on Au/Si(111)√3×√3 surface // Abstracts of 1st Asia-Pacific Symposium on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-1), September 28 - October 2, 2014, Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS, FEFU, Russky Island, Vladivostok, Russia. Vladivostok: FEFU, 2014, P. B4.
2014. A.V. Matetskiy, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, A.A. Yakovlev, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Fermi level tuning of bismuth films // Abstracts of Young Scientists Asia Pasific School on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-1 Young Scientists School), September 28 - October 2, 2014, Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS, FEFU, Russky Island, Vladivostok, Russia. Vladivostok: FEFU, 2014, P. P-10
2017. no
2014. L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, A.Y. Tupchaya, I.A. Kibirev, A.A. Yakovlev, C.R. Hsing, C.M. Wei, S.V. Eremeev, E.V. Chulkov, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Rashba effect in two-dimensional Tl/Sn/Si(111) system // Abstracts of 1st Asia-Pacific Symposium on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-1), September 28 - October 2, 2014, Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS, FEFU, Russky Island, Vladivostok, Russia. Vladivostok: FEFU, 2014, P. K5.
2017. D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. One-atom-layer compounds on silicon and germanium. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 2017, Vol.58, No.8S1, P. 08LA01-8.
2014. A.A. Yakovlev, A.V. Matetskiy, L.V. Bondarenko, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov and A.A. Saranin. STM and ARPES study of the Si(111)2×2-(Au,Al) reconstruction // Abstracts of Young Scientists Asia Pasific School on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-1 Young Scientists School), September 28 - October 2, 2014, Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS, FEFU, Russky Island, Vladivostok, Russia. Vladivostok: FEFU, 2014, P. P-3
2013. A.V. Matetskiy, L.V. Bondarenko, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin, M.C. Tringides. Structural transformations in Pb/Si(111) phases induced by C60 adsorption. J.Phys.: Condens.Matter, 2013, Vol.25, No.39, P.395006 (8pp)
2021. Metal sheet of atomic thickness embedded in silicon.
2017. V.G. Kotlyar, A.A. Alekseev, D.A. Olyanich, T.V. Utas, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. The (2x2) reconstructions on the surface of cobalt silicides: Atomic configuration at the annealed Co/Si(111) interface. Surface Science, 2017, Vol. 662, P. 6-11.
2018. M.V. Ryzhkova, E.A. Borisenko, M.V. Ivanchenko, D.A. Tsukanov, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Studying of the surface conductivity of a thallium bilayer on Si(111) substrate after adsorption of lithium and rubidium. Tech.Phys.Lett., 2018, Vol. 44, No.5 , P.412-415.
2018. A. Bouravleuv, I. Ilkiv, R. Reznik, K. Kotlyar, I. Soshnikov, G. Cirlin, P. Brunkov, D. Kirilenko, L. Bondarenko, A. Nepomnyaschiy, D. Gruznev, A. Zotov, A. Saranin, V. Dhaka and H. Lipsanen. New method for MBE growth of GaAs nanowires on silicon using colloidal Au nanoparticles. Nanotechnology, 2018, Vol. 29, No.4, P.045602-11.
2014. no
2012. K.V. Ignatovich, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Characterization of Si(111)root3xroot3-(Au,In) surface by optical second-harmonic generation. Appl.Surf.Sci., 2012, Vol.258, Iss. 10, P.4642-4644.
2015. T.V. Utas, O.A. Utas, D.A. Olyanich, V.V. Mararov, A.V. Matetskiy, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Modeling C60 island growth using molecular dynamics method // Proceedings of Third Asian School-Conference on Physics and Technology of Nanostructured Materials (ASCO-NANOMAT 2015), Vladivostok, Russia, August 19–26, 2015. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2015, P.161-162.
2016. A.A. Saranin, D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, A.Y. Tupchaya, A.V. Zotov, S.V. Eremeev, J.-P. Chou, C.R. Hsing, C.M. Wei, S. Ichinokura, R. Hobara, A. Takayama, and S. Hasegawa. Spin-split metallic surface states of 2D alloys and compounds on silicon // “Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures” Book of Abstracts of the 13th International Conference on Atomically Controlled Surfaces, Interfaces and Nanostructures (ACSIN 2016), October 9-15, 2016, Rome, Italy. Rome: Superstripe Press, 2016, P. 185-186.
2015. T.S. Shamirzaev, N.G. Galkin, E.A. Chusovitin, D.L. Goroshko, A.V. Shevlyagin, A.K. Gutakovski, A.A. Saranin, A.V. Latyshev. Electroluminescent 1.5-μm light-emitting diodes based on p +-Si/NC β-FeSi2/n-Si structures // Semiconductors, V.49, N.4 (2015) pp.508-512.
2016. no
2015. S.V. Eremeev, E.N. Chukurov, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Atomic arrangement and electron band structure of Si(111)-β-V3xV3-Bi reconstruction modified by alkali-metal adsorption: ab initio study. J.Phys.: Condens.Matter, 2015, Vol.27, No.30, P.305003 (5pp).
2015. D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, A.Y. Tupchaya, A.A. Alekseev, C.R. Hsing, C.M. Wei, S.V. Eremeev, A.V. Zotov, and A.A. Saranin. Electronic band structure of Tl/Sn atomic sandwich on Si(111). Physical Review B, 2015, Vol. 91, P. 035421-7
2016. T. Nakamura, H. Kim, S. Ichinokura, A. Takayama, R. Akiyama, A.A. Saranin, A.V. Zotov, Y. Hasegawa, S. Hasegawa. STS measurement of monatomic layer superconductor; Tl-Pb compound on Si(111) // 20th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-20), August 21-26, Busan, Korea. Seoul: The Korean Vacuum Society, 2016, P.1214.
2015. D.A. Tsukanov, D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, M.V. Ivanchenko, A.S. Shevchenko, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Electrical conductance of two-dimensional alloy layers on Si(111) // Proceedings of Third Asian School-Conference on Physics and Technology of Nanostructured Materials (ASCO-NANOMAT 2015), Vladivostok, Russia, August 19–26, 2015. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2015, P.78-79
2015. Characterization of In/Si(111) system by optical second-harmonic generation
2013. D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Matetskiy, L.V. Bondarenko, O.A. Utas, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin, M.Y.Lai, J.P. Chou, C.M. Wei, and Y.L. Wang. Stepwise self-assembly of C60 mediated by atomic scale moiré magnifiers. Nature Communications, 2013, Vol.4, Article number: 1679 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2706, 7 P
2012. D. Usachov, A. Fedorov, O. Vilkov, V.K. Adamchuk, L.V. Yashina, L. Bondarenko, A.A. Saranin, A. Grüneis, D.V. Vyalikh. Experimental and computational insight into the properties of the lattice-mismatched structures: Monolayers of h-BN and graphene on Ir(111). Phys.Rev. B, 2012, Vol.86, Iss.15, P.155151-9
2011. D.A. Tsukanov, M.V. Ryzhkova, E.A. Borisenko, L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, and A.A. Saranin. Effect of C60 layer on the growth mode and conductance of Au and Ag films on Si(111)V3-Au and Si(111)V3-Ag surfaces. J. Appl. Phys., 2011, Vol. 110, Iss.9, P.093704-5
2017. A.V. Matetskiy, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, D.V. Gruznev, S.V. Eremeev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Adsorbate-induced modification of electronic band structure of epitaxial Bi(111) films. Applied Surface Science, 2017, Vol. 406, P. 122-127.
2014. N.I. Sibirev, V.G. Dubrovskii, A.V. Matetskiy, L.V. Bondarenko, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Size distributions of fullerene surface clusters. Applied Surface Science, 2014, Vol. 307, P.46-51
2016. N.V. Denisov, A.V. Matetskiy, A.V. Tupkalo, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. MBE growth of superconducting β-PdBi2 films // Abstracts of 2-nd Asia-Pacific Symposium on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-2), November 13-16, 2016, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Taipei: IAMS, Academia Sinica, 2016, P. 13.
2018. A.N. Mihalyuk, C.R. Hsing, C.M. Wei, S.V. Eremeev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. (Tl/Au)/Si(111) √7x√7 2D compound: An ordered array of identical Au clusters embedded in Tl matrix. J.Phys.: Condens.Matter, 2018, Vol. 30, P.025002-8.
2015. A.Y. Tupchaya, L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Two-dimensional AuTl structures on Si(111) surface // Proceedings of Third Asian School-Conference on Physics and Technology of Nanostructured Materials (ASCO-NANOMAT 2015), Vladivostok, Russia, August 19–26, 2015. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2015, P.92-93
2016. A.N. Mihalyuk, A.A. Alekseev, C.R. Hsing, C.M. Wei, D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, A.Y. Tupchaya, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Low-temperature one-atom-layer V7xV7-In phase on Si(111). Surface Science, 2016, Vol.649, P. 14-19.
2013. D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Matetskiy, L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin, J.P. Chou, C.M. Wei, Y.L. Wang. Dim C60 fullerenes on Si(111) √3x√3-Ag surface. Surface Science, 2013, Vol. 612, P.31-36.
2015. N.V. Denisov, O.A. Utas, S.G. Azatyan, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Indium–bismuth surface alloys on Si(111) // Proceedings of Third Asian School-Conference on Physics and Technology of Nanostructured Materials (ASCO-NANOMAT 2015), Vladivostok, Russia, August 19–26, 2015. Vladivostok: Dalnauka, 2015, P.74-75.
2015. no
2014. D.A. Olyanich, T.V. Utas, A.A. Alekseev, V.G. Kotlyar, A. V. Zotov, A. A. Saranin. Structure of the Co/Si(111)√13x√13 surface revisited. Surface Science, 2014, Vol.625, P.57-63.
2016. V.G. Kotlyar, A.A. Alekseev, D.A. Olyanich, T.V. Utas, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Scanning tunneling microscopy study of the early stages of epitaxial growth of CoSi2 and CoSi films on Si(111) substrate: Surface and interface analysis. Thin Solid Films, 2016, Vol. 619, P. 153-159.
2016. V.V. Mararov, D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Comparative STM analysis of C60 and C70 fullerene adsorption sites on pristine and Al-modified Si(111)7x7 surfaces. J.Vac.Sci.Technol. A, 2016, Vol.34, No.6, P.061402-5.
2014. L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, A.A. Yakovlev, A.Y. Tupchaya, D.V. Gruznev, M.V. Ryzhkova, D.A. Tsukanov, E.A. Borisenko, E.N. Chukurov, N.V. Denisov, O. Vilkov, D.V. Vyalikh, A.V. Zotov and A.A. Saranin. Effect of Na adsorption on structural and electronic properties of Si(111)√3x√3-Au surface. J.Phys.: Condens.Matter, 2014, Vol.26, No.5, P. 055009 (7 pp).
2016. A.V. Zotov, D.V. Gruznev, S.G. Azatyan, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, A.N. Mihalyuk, A.A. Saranin. 2D adsorbate compounds on silicon: Experiment versus theory // Abstracts of 2-nd Asia-Pacific Symposium on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-2), November 13-16, 2016, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Taipei: IAMS, Academia Sinica, 2016, P. 15.
2014. A.A. Alekseev, D.A. Olyanich, T.V. Utas, V.G. Kotlyar, A. V. Zotov, A. A. Saranin. Structure of the Co/Si(111) √13x√13 surface revisited // Abstracts of Young Scientists Asia Pasific School on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-1 Young Scientists School), September 28 - October 2, 2014, Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS, FEFU, Russky Island, Vladivostok, Russia. Vladivostok: FEFU, 2014, P. P-2.
2014. D.A. Olyanich, T.V. Utas, V.G. Kotlyar, A. V. Zotov, A. A. Saranin, L. N. Romashev, N.I. Solin, V.V. Ustinov. C60 layer growth on the Co/Si(111)√7x√7 surface. Applied Surface Science, 2014, Vol.292, P.954-957
2013. L.V. Bondarenko, D.V. Gruznev, A.A. Yakovlev, A.Y. Tupchaya, D. Usachov, O. Vilkov, A. Fedorov, D.V. Vyalikh, S.V. Eremeev, E.V. Chulkov, A.V. Zotov & A.A. Saranin. Large spin splitting of metallic surface-state bands at adsorbate-modified gold/silicon surfaces. Scientific Reports, 2013, Vol.3, Article number: 1826 | DOI: 10.1038/srep01826, 6 P.
2015. D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, A.V. Matetskiy, A.V. Zotov, and A.A. Saranin. Incommensurate superstructure in heavily doped fullerene layer on Bi/Si(111) surface. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2015, Vol.143, P.074707-6
2016. D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, A.N. Mihalyuk, A.Y. Tupchaya, O.A. Utas, S.V. Eremeev, C.-R. Hsing, J.-P. Chou, C.-M. Wei, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Synthesis of two-dimensional TlxBi1-x compounds and Archimedean encoding of their atomic structure. Scientific Reports, 2016, Vol.6, Article number:19446 | doi:10.1038/srep19446, 9 P.
2014. O.A. Utas, N.V. Denisov, S.G. Azatyan, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Two-dimensional bismuth-aluminum surface alloy on Si(111) // Abstracts of Young Scientists Asia Pasific School on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-1 Young Scientists School), September 28 - October 2, 2014, Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS, FEFU, Russky Island, Vladivostok, Russia. Vladivostok: FEFU, 2014, P. P-4.
2016. N.V. Denisov, A.A. Alekseev, O.A. Utas, S.G. Azatyan, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Bismuth–indium two-dimensional compounds on Si(111) surface. Surface Science, 2016, Vol.651, P.105-111
2016. no
2014. D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Matetskii, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, C.-R. Hsing, C.-M. Wei, Y.-L. Wang, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Two-dimensional Tl/Sn binary layer on Si(111) // 7th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-7), November 2-6 2014, Matsue, Japan. Tokyo: The Surface Science Society of Japan, 2014, P. [3pA1-4]
2012. Ivanchenko M.V., Gritsenko V.A., Nepomnyashchii A.V., Saranin A.A. Enhancement of the electron-stimulated desorption from amorphous aluminum oxide films on silicon during an increase in the substrate temperature. Technical Physics // USA. New York: MAIK Nauka/Interperiodica/Springer. 2012. Vol.57. №35. Pp.693-696. DOI: 10.1134/S1063784212050155.1063-7842, e-1090-6525
2015. A.A. Alekseev, D.A. Olyanich T.V. Utas, V.G. Kotlyar, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Scanning tunneling microscopy observation of ultrathin epitaxial CoSi2(111) films grown at a high temperature. Technical Physics, 2015, Vol. 60, No.10, P.1508-1514
2017. S. Ichinokura, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin, S. Hasegawa. Superconductivity in thallium double atomic layer and transition into an insulating phase intermediated by a quantum metal state. 2D Materials, 2017, Vol. 4, No.2, P.025020-10.
2014. L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, A.V. Matetskiy, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Metallic spin-split states and structural transformations in 2D TlBi system on silicon // 7th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-7), November 2-6 2014, Matsue, Japan. Tokyo: The Surface Science Society of Japan, 2014, P. [5aA1-2]
2014. D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, A.A. Yakovlev, A.Y. Tupchaya, S.V. Eremeev, E.V. Chulkov, Jyu-Pin Chou, Ching-Ming Wei, Ming-Yu Lai, Yuh-Lin Wang, A.V. Zotov & A.A. Saranin. A strategy to create spin-split metallic bands on silicon using a dense alloy layer. Scientific Reports, 2014, Vol.4, Article number: 4742 | DOI: 10.1038/srep04742, 5 P.
2014. A.V. Matetskiy, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Bismuth film Fermi level engineering // 7th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-7), November 2-6 2014, Matsue, Japan. Tokyo: The Surface Science Society of Japan, 2014, P. [6PN-40]
2017. N.V. Denisov, A.V. Matetskiy, A.V. Tupkalo, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Growth of layered superconductor β-PdBi2 films using molecular beam epitaxy. Applied Surface Science, 2017, Vol. 401, P. 142-145.
2014. D.A. Tsukanov, D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.N. Matetsky, M.V. Ivanchenko, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Surface conductance study of two-dimensional alloy layers on Si(111) // 7th International Symposium on Surface Science (ISSS-7), November 2-6 2014, Matsue, Japan. Tokyo: The Surface Science Society of Japan, 2014, P. [6PN-46]
2016. A.A. Saranin, D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, A.Y. Tupchaya, A.N. Mihalyuk, A.V. Zotov, S.V. Eremeev, C.R. Hsing, C.M. Wei, S. Ichinokura, R. Hobara, A. Takayama, and S. Hasegawa. Structure and superconductivity of Tl-based atomic layers on Si(111) // 20th International Vacuum Congress (IVC-20), August 21-26, Busan, Korea. Seoul: The Korean Vacuum Society, 2016, P.604.
2015. D.A. Olyanich, V.V. Mararov, T.V. Utas, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Self-assembled C60 layers on incommensurate Cu/Si(111)‘pseudo-5×5’ surface. Surface Science, 2015, Vol.642, P.6-10
2014. J.P. Chou, C.M. Wei, Y.L. Wang, D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, A.Y. Tupchaya, A.V. Zotov, and A.A. Saranin. Atomic structure and electronic properties of In/Si(111)2x2 surface. Physical Review B, 2014, Vol. 89, Iss. 15, P.155310-5
2017. A.A. Saranin, D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, A.Y. Tupchaya, A.N. Mihalyuk, S.V. Eremeev, C.-R. Hsing, C.-M. Wei, S. Ichinokura, R. Hobara, A. Takayama, S. Hasegawa, and A. V. Zotov. Metallic 2D alloys and compounds on Si(111) and Ge(111) surfaces // Abstracts of International Symposium (FOR1282) “Controlling the Electronic Structure of Semiconductor Nanoparticles by Doping and Hybrid Formation”, February 22-24, 2017, Berlin Germany. Berlin: Technische Universität Berlin, 2017, P. 19.
2015. D.A. Olyanich V.V. Mararov, T.V. Utas, O.A. Utas, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Magic C60 islands forming due to moiré interference between islands and substrate. Surface Science, 2015, Vol. 635, P.94-98.
2017. no
2016. D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, A.N. Mihalyuk, C.R. Hsing, C.M. Wei, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Long-range-ordered 2D Tl-Pb compounds on Si(111) and Ge(111) // Abstracts of 2-nd Asia-Pacific Symposium on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-2), November 13-16, 2016, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. Taipei: IAMS, Academia Sinica, 2016, P. 10.
2014. D.A. Olyanich, T.V. Utas, A.A. Alekseev, V.G.Kotlyar, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. The initial stages of the Co uniform nanofilms formation on Si(111) // Abstracts of Young Scientists Asia Pasific School on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-1 Young Scientists School), September 28 - October 2, 2014, Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS, FEFU, Russky Island, Vladivostok, Russia. Vladivostok: FEFU, 2014, P. P-24
2017. A.N. Mihalyuk, C.R. Hsing, C.M. Wei, D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. One-atom-layer 4×4 compound in (Tl, Pb)/Si(111) system. Surface Science, 2017, V. 657 P. 63-68.
2017. no
2015. A.V. Matetskiy, I.A. Kibirev, T. Hirahara, S. Hasegawa, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Direct observation of a gap opening in topological interface states of MnSe/Bi2Se3 heterostructure. Applied Physics Letters, 2015, Vol. 107, No.9, P.091604-4
2015. L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, A.Y. Tupchaya, O.A. Utas, A.N. Mihalyuk, S.V. Eremeev, C.-R. Hsing, J.-P. Chou, C.-M. Wei, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. 2D Tl-Bi compounds on silicon surface with Archimedean tiling // The 15th International Conference on the Formation of Semiconductor Interfaces (ICFSI-15), November 15-20, 2015, Hiroshima, Japan. Hiroshima: Hiroshima University, 2015, P. 39
2014. A.A. Saranin, D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.V.Matetskiy, A.A. Yakovlev, A.Y. Tupchaya, S.V. Eremeev, E.V. Chulkov, Jyu-Pin Chou, C.-M. Wei, M.-Y. Lai, Y.-L.Wang, A.V. Zotov. A strategy to create spin-split metallic bands on silicon using a dense alloy layer // Abstracts of 1st Asia-Pacific Symposium on Solid Surfaces (APSSS-1), September 28 - October 2, 2014, Institute of Automation and Control Processes FEB RAS, FEFU, Russky Island, Vladivostok, Russia. Vladivostok: FEFU, 2014, P. E3
2018. D.V. Gruznev, L.V. Bondarenko, A.Y. Tupchaya, A.A. Yakovlev, A.N. Mihalyuk, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. (Tl, Sb) and (Tl, Bi) binary surface reconstructions on Ge(111) substrate. Surface Science, 2018, Vol. 669, P.183-188.
2014. N.V. Denisov, E.N. Chukurov, Yu.V. Luniakov, O.A. Utas, S.G. Azatyan, A.A. Yakovlev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Two-dimensional bismuth–silver structures on Si(111). Surface Science, 2014, Vol. 623, P.17-24
2014. no
2016. O.A. Utas, D.A. Olyanich, V.V. Mararov, T.V. Utas, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Molecular simulations of C60 self-assembly on metal-adsorbed Si(111) surfaces. J.Vac.Sci.Technol. B, 2016, Vol.34, No.5, P. 051806-6.
2012. D.A. Tsukanov, M.V. Ryzhkova, E.A. Borisenko, L.V. Bondarenko, A.V. Matetskiy, D.V. Gruznev, A.V. Zotov, A.A. Saranin. Surface conduction at phase transitions in (Au,Ag)/Si(111) submonolayer films. Appl.Surf.Sci., 2012, Vol.258, Iss. 24, P.9636-9641