
Год Библиографическое описание
2024 Mozharovskii I., Shevlyagina S. Nonparametric soft sensor development for distillation-in-series unit // 2024 International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Applications and Manufacturing (ICIEAM). – IEEE, 2024. – P. 647-651.
2024 Shevlyagina S. Simulation of the physical temperature probes for soft sensor design under feed composition changes for naphtha plant // Chemical Engineering Science. – 2024. – Vol. 296. – Art. 120222.
2024 Shtakin D. V., Shevlyagina S. A., Torgashov A. Y. Neural Network Model for Estimating the Quality Indicators of Industrial Fractionator Products // Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations. – 2024. – Vol. 16. – No. 2. – P. 235-245.
2024 Mozharovskii I., Shevlyagina S. A Hybrid Approach to Soft Sensor Development for Distillation-in-Series Plant under Input Data Low Variability // Measurement Science and Technology. – 2024. – Vol. 35, Is. 7. – Art. 076211.
2024 Шевлягина С.А., Стабров С.В. Авторское свидетельство о регистрации программы на ЭВМ №2024615335 «Анализ устойчивости систем управления». Дата регистрации – 05 марта 2024 г.