The Number of Employees – 6
- Scientific Employees – 5
- Engineers – 1
- Ph. D. (Physical & Mathematical Sciences) – 5
Head of the Laboratory: Ph. D. (Phys. & Math.) Olga V. Dudko

The history of Laboratory for nonlinear dynamics of deformation starts with the foundation of the laboratory of deformable solid mechanics, which was established in 1987 in the Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch of the USSR. Then, in 1988, the laboratory moved to the Institute of Automation and Control Processes, Far Eastern Branch of the USSR. The initiator of the creation of a new scientific subdivision is Professor Gennady Ivanovich Bykovtsev. The followers of Professor G.I. Bykovtsev (A.A. Burenin, A.I. Khromov, M.N. Osipov, Yu. Fofanov, V.A. Rychkov, A.P. Naumkin, A.I. Tsarev), who came with him to the Vladivostok, were in the first staff of the lab
The first Head of the Laboratory of deformable solid mechanics IACP was Professor Alexander I. Khromov. Professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Anatoly Burenin headed the laboratory in the period from 1993 to 2011.
In April 2011 the Laboratory of deformable solid mechanics IACP FEB RAS was reorganized into the department. The staff was divided into two separate research groups: the laboratory of the mechanics of irreversible deformations (under the supervision of Dr. Sci. Larisa V. Kovtanyuk) and the laboratory for nonlinear dynamics of deformation (under the supervision of Corresponding Member RAS Anatoly A. Burenin until December 2014, and the Ph. D. Olga V. Dudko since January 2015).
Main research directions
- Developing the mathematical apparatus, models and methods for nonlinear dynamics of solids under shock deforming.
- Analysis of propagation features for nonlinear deformation waves in natural and structural materials with complex mechanical properties.
The main results
- For the problems of nonstationary shock deformation of solids a new modification of the ray method allowing to construct the solutions in the ray expansion form both for a single shock wave and for several shock waves with various types including processes of their interaction is de-veloped.
- New evolution equations for one-dimensional shock waves with nonzero curvature in homogeneous media, plane one-dimensional shock waves in inhomogeneous media are obtained. For an inhomogeneous medium, it is shown that the evolution equation takes various forms at different distances from the loaded boundary, depending on the degree of material inhomogeneity and the intensity of the impact.
- The solution algorithm for nonstationary one-dimensional boundary value problems of nonlinear dynamics of elastic heteromodular and porous ma-terials is proposed; this algorithm makes possible to control the regime of boundary actions leading to the appearance of a shock wave with a con-stant propagation velocity.
- The new solutions of nonstationary and quasistationary boundary problems of shock deformation of solids with nonlinear, inhomogeneous and heteromodular mechanical properties are obtained; the solutions include the strong and weak discontinuity surfaces, the effects of their interaction with each other and with obstructions.and weak discontinuities in materials with different nonlinear mechanical properties are studied.
Key publications
- O.V. Dudko and V.E. Ragozina, On the Motion of Shock Waves at a Constant Speed in Multimodulus Elastic Media // Mech. Solids. 53 (1) (2018) 111.
- Yu.E. Ivanova and V.E. Ragozina, Perturbation Method in the Problem of Compression-Shear Shock Load for a Nonlinear Elastic Half-Space // Mech. Solids. 53 (1) (2018) 73.
- V.E. Ragozina and O.V. Dudko, Propagation of converging spherical deformation waves in a hetero-modular elastic medium // Journal of Applied Mechanics and Technical Physics, 57 (2016) 701.
- Yu.E. Ivanova and V.E. Ragozina, Solution of a Multidimensional Impact Deformation Problem for an Elastic Half-Space with Curved Boundary on the Basis of a Modified Ray Method // Mech. Solids, 51 (4) (2016) 484.
- O.V. Dudko, V.E. Ragozina, Yu.E. Ivanova, A.A. Mantcybora and A.A. Lapteva. Nonlinear deformation dynamics: the evolution of scientific direction in the IACP, FEB RAS // VESTNIK of the Far East Branch of the Russian Academy of Science, 4 (2016) 161. (In Russian).