Материалы / тезисы конференций
Information Innovative Technologies: Materials of the International scientific-practical conference. /Ed. Uvaysov S.U., Ivanov I.A.
M.: Association of graduates and emplyees of AFEA named after prof. Zhukovsky
Nazarov D.A. A software component for visual monitoring of an acceptability region discrete approximation // Information Innovative Technologies: Materials of the International scientific-practical conference. /Ed. Uvaysov S.U., Ivanov I.A. - M.: Association of graduates and emplyees of AFEA named after prof. Zhukovsky, Pp. 400 - 404.
A software component for visualization of acceptability region’s cross sections is considered in the scope of software complex for acceptability regions construction and utilization. The task of acceptability region exploration arises during an engineering system design and facilitates the exploration of admissible parameter variation area in order to provide parametric reliability. A discrete approximation of acceptability region may have significant errors, and in addition to facilities of quantitative error estimation tools for visual monitoring of the approximation quality are also required.