Estimation of wind drift component of sea surface currents velocities retrieved on satellite imagery


Материалы / тезисы конференций

Marine Science and Technology for Sustainable Development: Abstracts of the 26th International Conference of Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology (PACON-2019), July 16–19, 2019, Vladivostok, Russia.

Russia. Vladivostok : POI FEB RAS

C. 313.




M. Aleksanina, O. Korostyleva Estimation of wind drift component of sea surface currents velocities retrieved on satellite imagery // Marine Science and Technology for Sustainable Development: Abstracts of the 26th International Conference of Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology (PACON-2019), July 16–19, 2019, Vladivostok, Russia. C. 313.

Experiments for detection of wind (Ekman) drift component in the velocities computed with feature tracking method are presented. In according to Ekman's theory [1] the wind flow direction on the sea surface in the northern hemisphere deviates from the wind direction on 45 ° to the right, and the value of the wind drift velocity is about 2% of the value of the wind velocity. The wind drift component should dominate in the background flow obtained by averaging vectors of the sea surface currents velocities. In our experiment the sea surface currents velocities are calculated automatically [2]. The wind velocities were taken from the NCEI (National Environmental Information Centers) database [3].
