Ecological Complexity, Q3
Статьи в журналах
Ecological Complexity
Elsevier B.V.
Ghosh, B., Zhdanova, O. L., Barman, B., & Frisman, E. Y. (2020). Dynamics of stage-structure predator-prey systems under density-dependent effect and mortality. Ecological Complexity, 41, 100812.
We develop a four dimensional predator-prey system in continuous time with stage-structure for both thecommunities. The reproduction rate of the prey and the transition rate for the predator, in our model, areassumedtobedensity-dependent.Thestabilityresultsforthecoexistingequilibriumareobtainedbymakinguseof Routh–Hurwitz criteria. Because of the density-dependent effects, numerical simulations are applied incomplex situations. We observe that increasing values of the coefficients linked with density-dependent termpromotethestabilityofthecoexistingsteadystate.Ourmainfocusistounderstandthevariationofstockswhenmortality rates on different stage classes are increased. We verified that stable stock on mature predator in-creases with its increasing mortality rate in three different modeling frameworks. However, no such positiveeffect on the biomass of the immature predator occurs when immature predators are removed, culled or har-vested. Therefore, we could conclude that the appearance of hydra effect on many unstructured predator-preymodelsisduetothemortalityofthematurepredatoronly.Nohydraeffectisalsodetectedwhenmaturepreyisremoved in several situations we discussed. Overall, the obtained results are new and could be interestingcontribution in theoretical ecology