The Concept of Intelligent Support for Laser Additive Manufacturing Process Engineer


Статьи / главы в тематических сборниках


Gribova V., Kulchin Y., Nikitin A., Velichko A., Basakin A., Timchenko V. The Concept of Intelligent Support for Laser Additive Manufacturing Process Engineer // Artificial Intelligence in Models, Methods and Applications. AIES 2022. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control. 2023. Vol. 457. С. 355-368. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-22938-1_25.

The conceptual architecture of the cloud knowledge portal for laser-based additive manufacturing is presented. Its information and software components are specified, their features and approaches to development are described. The architecture is based on the ontological two-level approach to the formation of data and knowledge about laser-based additive manufacturing, as well as on the principle of separating knowledge from the software tools that process it. The coupling of these components is brought to the level of ontologies, which are explicitly separated from databases and knowledge bases. The information components of the knowledge portal are set of interrelated ontologies, as well as, formed on their basis: databases and reference books, a knowledge base on the laser-based additive manufacturing mode settings, a structured case database, and a database of mathematical models describing physico-chemical, thermodynamic processes that accompany laser directed energy deposition technology. The software components of the portal are ontology-driven editors for the formation and maintenance of all databases and knowledge base, as well as a hybrid intelligent decision support system. The latter is based on the methods of knowledge engineering, case-based reasoning, as well as on the use of traditional mathematical modeling of the processes that accompany laser directed energy deposition.
