Institute of Automation and Control Processes

The Institute of Automation and Control Processes with Computation Center of the Far Eastern Scientific Center, Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, was established on the 1st of June, 1971 on the base of the Department of Technical Cybernetics, Far Eastern Subsidiary, Siberian Branch, USSR Academy of Sciences by the Order of Presidium of USSR Academy of Sciences No 383, the 20th of May. 1971.

Today the Institute has Federal Institution Status and is incorporated into the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It occupies leading position in the field of physics and mathematics and technical sciences. The Institute has 270 employees on the staff. Among them there are 2 Full Members of RAS, 3 Corresponding Member of RAS, about 30 Doctors of Sciences and more than 80 PhDs. They make studies into actual fields of sciences as follow: control problems, mathematical modeling of complex systems, informatics, mechanics, laser physics, optoelectronics, surface physics and nanotechnologies.

There are several leading scientific schools: quantum electronics (Head - Academician Yu. N. Kulchin), fluid and gas dynamics (Head - Academician of RAS V.A. Levin), surface physics (Head - Corresponding Member of RAS A.A. Saranin). 

The Institute has four regional multiplace access centers equipped by modern analytical facilities to conduct fundamental and applied investigations in the main scientific directions. According these facts, the Institute of Automation and Control Processes forecasts its future with optimism.

Last publications

2024, Gribova V. V., Kovalev R. I., Okun D. B.

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2024, Aleksanina M. G.

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2024, Mozharovskiy I. S., Samotylova S. A.

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2024, Abramov O. V.

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2024, Gribova V. V., Lifshits A. Y., Moskalenko P. M., Shalfeeva E. A.

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